Monday, April 26, 2010

Shallow DOF

Played around with using the 50mm lens for filming, kinda a cool effect but not being able to adjust the zoom was kinda tough. Whatever. I would put this all in a montage but I'm using a computer than desperately needs to have some shit done to it before I can use a program good for editing in HD. So it looks like we're just gonna hafta settle for some clips. Click "watch on youtube" on the bottom right corner of each clip to get 'em full size.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Might as well call it Chiblog

John, back180

Stu, back 180 nosegrind

John, fs crook

Got a bunch of HD video, I think I'll post it when I can get a chance to pirate a legit program to edit it with and when I'm not twitching out from this hangover.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Random snaps from Chi

Biggest assholes I've ever met not even kidding


What a weirdo.

I took this picture a while ago

Actually, it was one of my first posts. Anyway, it's kinda cool how you can make something way more interesting by fiddling with the colors a little.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I got clips

Maybe someday I'll upload that video of the front blunt to fakie I shot the other day, if I can figure out how to edit out the sound of my friend jibber-jabbering about who he'd fuck and why.

It's April here's some fools

Bitin' AZ's shit. Fuck it he doesn't read this blog anyway. FS flip.

Joseph goin' big. BS flip.

Matt, KF.

Trebanger to stunna shades.